Richard Maton of the Bible College of Wales

The video below is of Richard Maton, former dean of men at the Bible College of Wales in Swansea. 

The Bible College of Wales was founded by Rees Howells in the 1920’s. Rees Howells was uniquely led by God to pray for the nations, and that was part of the vision of the Bible College. Years earlier, he had been led to give up wage-earning and to trust God for all of his financial needs. Now he applied those principles to build the Bible College, and to teach the students to trust God for their needs, as well.

Mr. Maton gives a little history of both Rees Howells and his son, Samuel Howells, who followed him as the director of the college, and some of the lessons they learned about prayer.

I hope this blesses you as much as it blessed me.

If  you want to learn more about Rees Howells and Samuel Howells, you can get their biographies at the links below.

Rees Howells, Intercessor

by Norman Grubb