Prayer Posture

Man kneeling

I was just looking for some pictures to add to this site to make it more eye-friendly, but if you Google “man praying,” you usually get some guy bowed over, hands pressed together or clasped together, or something like that.

But that’s not usually how I pray. I like to pray pacing the floor, sometimes with hands lifted up, sometimes just flailing like a mad man, pointing this way and that, pounding my fist into my palm.

Yeah, not too many pictures capture that.

There is a time for the humble, bowed head. There’s a time for laying flat on your face. But there’s also a time to go to war, and most soldiers don’t fight with their heads bowed (unless ducking from bullets or something). They are up, pressing forward, and that’s how I tend to pray.

Sometimes when I have a need, and bold prayer is needed, I’ve got to stand up and “show” that boldness. “God, You promised!” with finger pointed at some Scripture promise. “This is what You said!” as I pace back and forth across the room.

When I was much younger, I shared my pacing path with a friend, and he said, “That’s your warpath.” Ever since, my pacing path has been my warpath.

We just moved to a new house where my office is connected to the master bedroom via a short hallway. I now have a nice warpath to pace out my prayers to God, instead of the 4 steps and back of our old place.

How do you pray? Sitting in a chair? On your knees? Prayerwalking outside? On your face? Pacing the floor?

Share in the comments.


Photo by Samuel Martins on Unsplash