Getting Started

There are four things that we need to do to get started in a consistent prayer life:

  • Make a commitment
  • Set a time
  • Set a place
  • Decide how to use the time allotted

Without a commitment, we might as well give up before we start. The second biggest error we make after failing to make the commitment is not showing up, therefore we need a time and a place. But once we get there, what are we going to do?

Take the below, and make your own commitment to prayer.

My Commitment
I commit to meet with my Heavenly Father (on what days) at (what time) for (how long – how many weeks or months) beginning (date) to spend time reading, meditating on, and praying the Scriptures, listening to Him speak to me, and praying for the items on my prayer list for that day.

The Time
(Time to time) (days)
From 6-7 Monday through Friday, and 7-8 Saturday and Sunday

The Place

Use of Time
I think breaking the hour down into 20-minute segments will work: Scripture, journal, pray.

  • Read the day’s Scripture passage
  • Write down the verse that stands out the most, and meditate on it, writing down my thoughts, and praying about what I’ve learned
  • Have a conversation with God via two-way journaling (we’ll discuss this more later)
  • Pray my prayer list for the day, including what God has given me to pray during our discussion

The time will increase as I become more consistent. This is just a start.


Any comments or suggestions? Leave a comment below.