Drawing a Circle

Mark Batterson has written a book called The Circle Maker which talks about circling your prayers until God answers.

In it, Batterson talks about praying specific prayers around specific needs using the promises that God has given you for that particular prayer. He also talks about praying bold prayers until you pray through, and get what you’ve been praying for.

There are a number of worthwhile quotes in the book, but one that stands out to me is:

If you aren’t desperate, you won’t take desperate measures. And if you don’t pray like it depends on God, the biggest miracles and best promises will remain out of your prayer reach. But if you learn how to pray hard, like the persistent widow, God will honor your bold prayers because your bold prayers honor God.

At the moment, I have a very pressing, large financial need. This is what I’m circling at the moment. It’s so large, that it’s way over my head, and there’s no way that I can meet this need unless God answers. I am praying boldly and with total desperation, because if God doesn’t answer, my family and I are in big trouble.

What need do you have? What are you circling in prayer? What promises has God given you to pray for that need?

Let’s pray, and see God answer.