Chapter One, A Prayer-Hearing God

These are my notes/thoughts from John R. Rice’s Prayer: Asking and Receiving

In chapter one, Mr. Rice shows us that the first thing we need to know about prayer is that the One we pray to loves to answer prayer. It’s part of who He is. It’s one of His attributes.

The foundation of this chapter are two verses:

O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come — Ps. 65:2.

But without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him — Heb 11:6

If we are to please God, then we are to believe two things: (1) God exists, and (2) He answers prayer.

Mr. Rice goes on to show that as we believe these two things, we naturally understand a few more of God’s attributes. If God hears our prayers, and if God is able to answer those prayers, then there are some things that must be understood about God:

  1. He is a living God.
  2. He is an all-knowing God.
  3. He is an all-powerful God, able to control circumstances, weather, people, the natural laws of science, etc.
  4. He is Creator, the one the rules over all creation, and is not subject to creation.
  5. He is a miracle-working God.
  6. He is a God of infinite love and mercy.


He quotes Dr. Charles Blanchard:

IF there be a God, He must act like a God.
And this God wants to provide for all of our needs!

So as we step into our school of prayer, let’s begin with this knowledge: God exists, and He longs to answer our prayers, to do the miraculous on our behalf. Let’s be bold in this belief, and make bold requests of Him.