A Little About Me

I was raised in a Christian home, and saved at 14. Around 17 or 18 years old, I began reading Christian biographies and books about revival and prayer. At 23, I went to a Bible College that had a heavy emphasis on prayer and intercession. I’m 50 now, living in Asia, working with my wife to help families (among other things).

Through all of these years, I’ve known the importance of prayer. I’ve prayed and have received mighty answers to prayer. But I’ve never had a truly consistent prayer life. I want this to change, and this blog will partly be an online journal of this change.

If you are in a similar situation of knowing the importance of prayer, yet struggling to find consistency in building an effective prayer life, I invite you to join me in traveling this road together.

Leave a comment. Send me an email. Invite your friends.

Let’s learn to pray together.